Carlos Zuniga

Missionary Profile

Ministry Focus

The Lord turned a life of drugs, alcohol, and jail sentences to a calling for Pastor Carlos Zuniga to evangelism and church planting. Carlos received Jesus Christ in 2001 while he was in jail. At the age of six, his father was murdered, and at that point Carlos went to live in the streets of Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras. He began falling into the vices of alcohol, drugs, and hatred, wanting to avenge the death of his father.

At the age of 18, Carlos was arrested because of illicit association, and that night God used a policeman to speak to him for the first time about Jesus Christ. That night he received Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. Carlos tells us, “That was the most beautiful day in my life.” He was imprisoned for two years and after two months the Lord woke him up as an evangelist, and in that prison he began to preach to all the prisoners and win them for Jesus Christ.

Carlos was baptized once he was released from prison and felt that God had called him as a church planter. Today, he works full time with the Baptist Church under the supervision and training of Missions Door missionary, Victor Almendarez in Honduras. Carlos has planted two churches in the biblical extension program, and he thanks God for saving him and calling him to His work.


Carlos has a degree in bible and theology and has received welding technical education.




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Learn more about where this ministry happens

Among poor but passionate people, family connections and festive occasions bring joy to life

Aside from the popular tourist spots of the Bay Islands and the Mayan ruins of Copán, the pristine Caribbean beauty of Honduras remains little known to international visitors.

But the country's exports are familiar abroad, especially in the United States. The natural resources of Honduras supply the trade of coffee, sugar cane and tropical fruit, as well as petroleum and textiles. Yet economic growth is limited by political instability and drug cartels that compromise security and development.

The people of Honduras show great passion for soccer and enjoy festive occasions with music and traditional punta dancing. They tend to keep their religious beliefs to themselves.

Extended families often live in close proximity. Hondurans welcome the company of friends and guests on the front porches of their homes, and communities gather on central plazas in most towns.

Your participation with Missions Door helps meet strategic and spiritual needs of communities in Honduras through pastoral training, leadership development, church planting, economic development, women's ministry and evangelism.

Cultural Snapshot

As Hondurans reenact the events of Holy Week, artists create elaborate sawdust carpets to decorate the trail where the figure of Jesus will walk to his crucifixion.

Faith Fact

Upper classes in Honduras predominantly adhere to Catholicism, while evangelical Protestant affiliation increases among the urban poor.

Country Profile

Population: 9 million

Major Religions: 97% Roman Catholic, 3% Protestant

Languages: Spanish (official), Amerindian dialects

Literacy: 85%

Poverty: 60%



Ministry service area:

Ministry location:
, Honduras