Ministry Focus
I pastored the Bethany church, the Ebenezer church and the Emmaus church at Santa Cruz. I am a member of the National Evangelical Work, created by New Tribes Mission. Our first 10 years we were with the Free Brothers. I worked with Mission Switzerland in Riberalta, among indigenous people, which then led me to be invited to international events: Four times to Orlando Florida; two times to Lima Peru; two times to Ecuador; once to Paraguay and another to Brazil. In 2008 we created the Indigenous Fellowship of Christian Leaders of the Amazon, FRALIC. I am still collaborating with them. I am grateful to now be working with Missions Door as the Director of Amazon Ministries in Bolivia.
Faith Story
I am officially devoted to missionary work since 1995 to date. In 2004 I started a Leadership School “Fulfill Your Ministry” (CTM: Cumple tu ministerio”). I developed seven texts for this purpose; subsequently I drew up two more.
I have written and published three books; I am currently writing another one. I did and do ministry because the Lord placed this burden on my heart and he has always provided for us in all circumstances.
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Learn more about where this ministry happens
From salt flats to rain forests, stark contrasts frame the landscape around growing urban centers
Bolivia is the fifth largest country in South America, with beautiful landscapes ranging from the Andes Mountains to salt flats to Amazon rain forests. Such geographic diversity makes the country home to 40% of all animal and plant life on earth.
Bolivia's culture is equally eclectic with approximately three dozen indigenous groups. Many Bolivians still practice many traditions handed down from ancient civilizations, such as the Incas' terraced agricultural techniques. Inca and Aymara religious traditions often become mingled with Catholicism.
The nation's economy depends on agriculture, forestry, mining and manufacturing, yet nearly half the population lives on less than $2 per day. Infant mortality and malnutrition pose health concerns. Urban migration is on the rise as Bolivians move to cities in hope of improving their circumstances.
Your participation with Missions Door enables leadership development, church planting and family ministry, as well as economic development that provides income for pastors in Bolivia.
Cultural Snapshot
The tarka (flute), tinya (drum) and antara (panpipe) are indigenous musical instruments of the Andes region, uniquely heard in Bolivia and Peru.
Faith Fact
Among countries in South America, Bolivia shows the least signs of influence by Protestant Christianity.
Country Profile
Population: 10 million, 33% ages 0–14
Major Religions: 82% Catholic, 10% Protestant
Languages: 61% Spanish, 21% Quechua, 21% Aymara, 15% Guarani
Literacy: 91%
Poverty: 45%

Ministry service area:
Ministry location:
, Bolivia