Ministry Focus
Sarah first learned about Campus Ambassadors while she was a sophomore serving in the Christian Fellowship group at Fitchburg State University. Getting involved in this ministry became a defining feature of Sarah's college experience and she's grateful for the opportunity to return to FSU and serve on staff with CA. Coming from a background in children's ministry, Sarah is most excited about hearing the students' hopes and dreams for their lives and watching the way God works in and through them.
Faith Story
Sarah grew up in a Christian family and began following the Lord when she was 10. With the help of wonderful Sunday school teachers and youth pastors, she grew in her understanding of God's love, mercy and grace and looks forward to pointing others
to our Savior.
Sarah and her husband Will got married in July 2023 and are enjoying married life together. They also enjoy going on walks, cooking together, and staying in touch with their extended family.
B.A. in English Studies, Fitchburg State University, Fitchburg, MA
M.Div., Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA
Sarah by making a financial donation using a Credit Card or by Direct Debit (ACH).
Learn more about where this ministry happens
In colorful communities and along scenic highways, diverse people and landscapes span coast to coast
Iconic American traditions include Thanksgiving dinner, jazz music and the Super Bowl. They meld with eclectic examples of multicultural heritage: numerous local Chinatowns, family-owned taquerias and even cowboy boots, which originated among the nomadic Huns of eastern Europe.
The nation's landscape shows just as many contrasts — sandy beaches and rocky coastlines, open plains and vast deserts, rugged mountains and winding canyons, and abundant rivers and lakes.
The ideals of life and liberty that founded the United States have made the country one of the world's most prosperous, though not without dark chapters and present troubles. Crime, discrimination and ethics violations make regular headlines, and many people live below the national poverty level.
Families view education as essential to the pursuit of happiness, if not also a path to wealth and power for the most ambitious. Yet Americans also demonstrate a charitable spirit of generosity toward neighbors and nations in need.
Freedom of religion grants opportunity for all faiths, but Christianity holds particular influence in country's history and daily life.
Your participation with Missions Door supports ministry in the United States among college students, including many international students, in collaboration local churches. It also enables social outreach, church planting and leadership development in a wide variety of communities — among Native Americans and other cultural groups, and in urban and suburban settings where growing and changing demographics create new opportunities for the Gospel.
Cultural Snapshot
Aside from the Native American, Native Hawaiian and Native Alaskan populations, nearly all Americans and their ancestors immigrated to the United States.
Faith Fact
In a 2013 survey, 56% of Americans said that religion played a "very important role in their lives” — a larger number than any other wealthy nation.
Country Profile
Population: 320 million
Major Religions: 47% Protestant, 23% unaffiliated, 21% Catholic, 6% other
Languages: 82% English, 11% Spanish, various others
Literacy: 99%
Poverty: 16%

Ministry service area:
Campus Ambassadors
Ministry location:
, United States