Ministry Focus
Marco was appointed with Missions Door in July 2017 serving in Barcelona, Spain, where he is the pastor of their church plant, Vida y Familia. Marco and Marta are passionate about loving and serving people. They have spent time analyzing current European culture and values to be able to better communicate the love of God. Their church teaches that we can all be missionaries in our own environment and that the tangible love of God is shown through action. Vida y Familia has a vision to be a spiritual bridge within society and has opened its doors to engage and serve the community. Along with their church services and activities, they offer marriage courses and retreats, and share their space with the community for family gatherings and organizational meetings or workshops. Another ministry of their church is The House of Restoration, a rental house that provides shelter to a variety of individuals including those suffering financial or relational difficulties, traveling missionaries in need of accommodations, and people visiting their city. Marco and Marta pray that through their open doors, people will encounter the love of God and a living church ready to serve.
Faith Story
When Marco was 11, he read the Word of God and a year later, gave his life to Christ. Marta became a Christian in 2007 and has dedicated her life to His service.
Marco and Marta were married in 2011. While managing their own restaurant, they felt God calling them to ministry. In May 2013, they developed a dream to plant a church and by November they had a small congregation. This was followed by starting three more home churches in nearby areas.
They continue to pursue reaching the community with the love of Christ by loving just as He did and humbly serving others.
Marco has a degree in Pastoral Theology and Marta is currently studying theology.
Marco and Marta by making a financial donation using a Credit Card or by Direct Debit (ACH).
Learn more about where this ministry happens
Don Quixote, Flamenco, festivals, and Spanish guitar --Spain is a wonder!
Spain is the newest addition to Missions Door’s countries of occupancy.
A country known for its sunshine and siestas, Spain has a deep and complex culture in the peninsula where both Muslims and Catholics once claimed their thrones. The sun drenched South was once the heart of Moorish culture, and a heavy influence of North African society can still be felt. The center of Spain evokes images of windmills, castles, and Don Quixote while also being home to the classic European capital city of Madrid. The north of Spain provides a culture of their own in the fiercely independent and fiesta-driven regions such as Catalonia and the Basque Country.
Spain is a beautiful country of diverse landscapes with a large portion of the population living on the Mediterranean Coasts. However, the largest masses of people live in the cities of Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla, and Zaragoza.
Your participation with Missions Door strengthens churches in Spain through youth ministry, leadership development, social outreach and economic development.
Cultural Snapshot
Spain is often glorified for its daily "siestas" or, roughly translated, "naps". Between about 2 and 4 pm each day, businesses close and the Spanish people take time to rest before continuing on with their day, which usually lasts much later into the night!
Faith Fact
While statistics vary, about 80% of the Spanish population claim to be Catholic. However, when asked about specific Catholic doctrine, most disagree with major tenets of the faith.
Country Profile
Population: 48 million
Major Religions: 77% Catholic, 20% Non-Believers/Atheists, 2% Other Religions
Languages: Spanish
Literacy: >98%
Poverty: 21% -- Largely in Southern Spain

Ministry service area:
Ministry location:
, Spain