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Learn what God is doing through Missions Door Around the world

Shining God’s Light Across World Religions

May 10, 2019

It’s easy to understand why Abraham* and his family, upon relocating to America from Pakistan in 2004, heeded God’s calling to continue their mission work in a suburban expanse near New York City. Their home is nestled in one of the most culturally diverse areas in the world, sits mere minutes from a burgeoning population…

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Building Hope Among Villages in Rural America

April 4, 2019

“I have sometimes seen, in the morning sun, the smoke of a thousand villages, where no missionary has ever been.” Those words inspired Scottish physician and internationally-renowned missionary David Livingstone to devote his life to bringing Christianity to the remote reaches of Africa in the late 1800s. They also inspire Larisa Craig, but she doesn’t…

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How to Thrive

March 14, 2019

Tim Stewart has worked with Campus Ambassadors since 2001. However, he is currently stepping back from his own campus ministry to, instead, minister to other campus ministers. His new official title is ‘Director of Ministry Partner Development’ and his objective is to help new and veteran missionaries find partners to support them in their ministry.…

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A Place to Be Both

February 14, 2019

In Nairobi, Kenya, the majority of people (75% of the population) is under 29 years old. Curtis Reed has been ministering to this large population of Kenyan youth for the past 12 years. In that time, he has seen a disconnect between Christianity and the Kenyan population at large. What is the reason for the…

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Tightrope Christianity

January 15, 2019

Freddy didn’t really understand the concept of grace. How could he? The major influences in his life up to that point had not shared or demonstrated that grace. Instead, they told cautionary tales of a harsh world. They warned him to work hard and do well or he would quickly end up in a box…

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Merry Christmas for Everyone

December 13, 2018

For many, Christmas is a time of joy and celebration. But we all know someone for whom the holidays are anything but merry.  For the bruised, battered and brokenhearted, those who are grieving, and those whose circumstances are anything but what they would choose, it is hard to put on a happy face for Christmas.…

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Thankful to Be Alive

November 12, 2018

Here in Ukraine a heavy fog has rolled in this November morning. Sveta holds her cup of tea with two hands to keep them warm. “What causes me to be thankful in my life now?” She pauses for a moment to think about the question. “Now, every single day I am just thankful to be…

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Mission Recharge

October 18, 2018

Did you know your pastor probably wants to quit? No sabbatical.  Family tensions.  No counseling.  Ministry fatigue.  No self-care.  Conflict.  No clear picture of what’s expected.  And no option to be weak when your congregation needs you to be strong. At any given time, 75% of pastors in America want to quit, (Church Resource Ministries).…

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Purpose in Pain

September 13, 2018

“I believe God is choosing not to heal me because He wants to touch people’s lives through this ‘fragile jar of clay’.” Though struggling with Parkinson’s disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis, Ruth Palnick has found that pain can be a beautiful bridge to evangelism. “You can strike up a conversation with a wall,” Ruth’s mother used…

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Others Helping You

August 16, 2018

Aaron’s Journal Entry: First night on the river Very dark now. We are traveling upriver by flashlight. We haven’t found the tribe yet but can’t stop because it’s too dangerous to sleep in the open jungle. Hoping to see tiki torches soon. Getting later and colder. Still no village. Hoping the flashlight batteries last. Getting later.…

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Stories in Need of a Savior

July 19, 2018

I walked with Dennis Noble through the Five Points neighborhood of Denver. He and his wife, Shelley, started ministering in the area shortly after he graduated from Denver Seminary in 1972. As their first ministry to the community, the Nobles started a Christian, summer day camp. That same summer, Dennis was appointed as a missionary…

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Turning to Christ

June 14, 2018

The bite of the sub-zero Chicago winter stung Paul’s bare skin, as he trudged through a foot of snow in just a t-shirt and pants. Just moments earlier, Paul had stormed off after an argument with a friend and was trying to make his way home to his apartment. He was freezing by the time…

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Relationships for the Long-Term

May 10, 2018

  “Do you speak Spanish?” I asked. “Well… I offend less people now” he laughed. Rick Myers is a Missions Door Missionary Advocate and Short-Term Teams Coordinator. Today, he leads trips to Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Honduras. While he began his career as a salesman, Rick left the corporate world after 27 years to…

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On a Day of Palm Branches

April 13, 2018

It is the Friday before Holy Week. I am traveling with my good friend Rigoberto Reyes, to the eastern end of Cuba this day. We were on the road at 4:00am, bouncing along in a rickety automobile, to arrive for a full day of teaching and encouraging pastors. It seemed unreasonably early to me, especially…

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The Value of a Single Story

January 29, 2018


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The Legend of Christmas

December 19, 2017

Dr Mike Fleischmann, Vice President of Personnel In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world.  (This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.)  And everyone went to their own town to register.  So Joseph also went up from…

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Thankful for the Journey

November 29, 2017

This past October, Rick Myers set out on a cross-country tour, deciding to travel the US by car to visit and promote many US and Central American missionaries. Rick was re-appointed as a Missionary Advocate last year and embraced the opportunity to personally fellowship and commune with these missionaries across the US. This “Missionary Advocacy…

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Planting Seeds of Change

October 27, 2017


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Empowering Potential within the Body of Christ

September 30, 2017

Harvest America

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A Home Away from Home

September 1, 2017

Campus Ambassadors

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Responding to God’s Call

July 31, 2017

City Ministry

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Hot Dogs & Jesus

June 17, 2017

Campus Ambassadors

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Rebuilding Hope in the Name of Jesus

May 10, 2017


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Beyond the Walls of the Church

March 18, 2017

U.S. Latino

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A Sign of God’s Love

February 17, 2017


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Intended for Evil

January 20, 2017


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In the Ministry of Reconciliation

October 20, 2016

United States

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In the Neighborhood of Hope and Healing

September 21, 2016

United States

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Justice, Hip-Hop and The Word of God

August 17, 2016


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Finding Freedom Behind Bars

July 20, 2016


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The Gospel at 30,000 Feet

June 23, 2016

United States

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When Light Invaded the City of Darkness

May 23, 2016


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Ecuador Earthquake Relief

May 3, 2016


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A Hindu’s Hunger for Christ

March 16, 2016

United States

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Darkness Gives Way to Light

February 17, 2016

Central Asia

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Meeting God in the Midst of Disappointment

January 19, 2016


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Equipped for Ministry

November 17, 2015


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Planting Seeds for Changed Lives

October 12, 2015

College Ministry

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From Debt to New Life in Christ

September 22, 2015

From Debt to New Life in Christ

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Good News for a Remote People Group

August 19, 2015

Altamira, Costa Rica

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A Dream for a Blessed Country

July 25, 2015

Finca Belén, Nicaragua

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Hope on the Road to Recovery

June 27, 2015

Reaching the world through the addict

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Community in Christ

May 20, 2015

Being There When the Bottom Drops Out

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Peru: Bringing Hope

March 15, 2015

Before the Boarding House, Stalin was unable to study because of lack of resources. Now he is finishing the fifth grade.

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Ukraine: Bringing New Life

February 21, 2015

Lera was only 13 years old when she came to the Christian Family Center. Her life was changed one cold morning when she found a nice red coat.

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Haiti: Life and Light after the Storm

January 12, 2015

In 2010, Haiti experienced one of the worst natural disasters of our time, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake.

Five years later, Missions Door missionary Francklin Alexis reflects on the disaster, progress and hope that’s ahead.

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