Our Story

The work of Missions Door reaches across the world to bring the gospel to the lost



Campus Ambassadors minister on campuses across the United States and Mexico to create communities through which students are transformed by the power of Jesus Christ, relating them to local churches and training them as servant leaders for Christ and His kingdom. The focus also includes planting campus churches and ministries to international students.



Our missionaries are in over 25 countries around the world, representing diverse cultures and places where God is transforming lives. Whether in North America, South America, Europe, Africa, or Asia, our local connections make all the difference in reaching the world with the Gospel. Like our other focus areas, all our missionaries are local (indigenous) to the communities they serve in.


There are millions of people who are not easily reached by existing local churches and ministries. Some of these include Native Americans, those from other religious backgrounds, those who are suffering from AIDS, the terminally ill, the homeless, and drug and alcohol addicts. Ministries of evangelism, church planting, and discipleship, through compassion and economic development are being used to transform lives.


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