Our Story

Serving the forgotten and marginalized


Engaging hard-to-reach people with the Gospel in word and deed

There are millions of unreached people who are not easily reached by existing local churches and ministries. Some of these include Native Americans, those from other religious backgrounds, those who are suffering from AIDS, the terminally ill, the homeless and drug and alcohol addicts.

Ministries of evangelism, church planting, discipleship, as well as compassion and economic development, are being used to reach out in various ways. We also have Specialized missionaries whose ministry focus is connecting short-term mission teams from U.S. churches with sister churches in the U.S. and other countries.


What We've Learned

The opportunities to care for people who are often forgotten as increased dramatically over the last 36 months.

In some areas

"The needs are almost overwhelming, but we are extremely hopeful. We are watching God touch lives everyday in places all around the world. The 'least of these' is not just a reference in the bible 2000 years ago. It is around each of us all the time, and I'm grateful the Missions Door is doing something about it."

~Recent Donor (Phoenix, AZ)

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