Our Story

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We regularly send out updates and stories about what God is doing through Missions Door. Below are some of our recent newsletters.

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    "Deaf Ministry in Rural Honduras"

    Jessie’s teammate waves at the young man who looks surprised that people want to see him. The teammate points to his own ears and mouth, shaking his head, and then points at the man. The woman’s son looks amazed, mouth agape and wide-eyed.

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    Easter 2022

    "The shocking truth is our first response to the resurrection is usually not hope.

    It's disbelief at what's going on. More often, it is confusion or doubt or fear." 

    Bob Lehman, Mission Door's minister at large, considers the different reactions Mary and the disciples had to the empty tomb and how they often mirror our own. Watch Bob share how we could see the resurrection in our own lives, or read his blog

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    The Third Day is God's day.

    The third day is when prisoners are set free, when harem girls like Esther confront a powerful king and save her people. The third day is when the drowning are returned to dry land and when stones are rolled away. The third day is the day a crucified carpenter and teacher rose from the grave. No matter how dark it may seem, you never know what is going to happen because God is the God of the third day."

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God is doing amazing things through the Missions Door ground teams in places all over the world. People are discovering Jesus. Marriages are being restored. Generations of pain and conflict are being reconciled through the Gospel. These are stories we experience everyday. We'd love to share what God is doing here. Subscribe below to step into this journey with us.

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