Our Story

Creating communities where students are transformed by Jesus Christ.


Reaching a Younger generation

Campus Ambassadors minister on campuses across the United States and Mexico creating communities where students are transformed by Jesus Christ, relating them to local churches and training them as servant leaders for Christ and His kingdom. The focus also includes planting campus churches and ministries to international students.

Over 20 Campuses

Connected to local churches

Leadership development

What We've Learned

Over the last 30 years we have seen a trend. Most of our Campus Ambassadors have a similar story – they started off as students in Campus Ambassadors, became leaders, then interns, and now are on staff as Campus Ambassadors themselves. This form of local (indigenous) ministry works because our missionaries have been in the exact same spot as their students. 

Success Story

I started college so far from God. I didn't realize how my anger and bitterness were impacting how I saw the world. Through my relationships with my leaders in Campus Ambassadors, I came to see God differently. It has completely altered the trajectory of my life. I now lead 2 life groups on university campuses and regularly see God do amazing things in the students I get to interact with.

- Samantha (Phoenix, AZ)


in campus teams

over 3 years

Real Results on Campuses

Over the past 3 years, we have shifted to improve our team approach to ministry on college and university campuses. This happened both in physical and virtual ways. Over this period we have seen tremendous growth resulting in life changes in students through our ministry. While COVID was a barrier to ministries everywhere, this team approach has allowed us to see effectiveness and transformation in all aspects of campus ministry.

We saw a 38% increase in baptisms in 2020 through Campus Ambassadors.

25% increase in new believers

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