Our Story

Get a glimpse of field ministry with our short term projects


Contact us if we can give you more information about Missions Door Short-Term Ministry Teams, specific dates and projects, or how you can get involved.

The Short-Term Ministry Coordinator Team exists to serve local churches, helping them to mobilize more of their members to GO and serve personally in the global mission of the Gospel.  Serving in locations both here in the United States and internationally, all of our teams come alongside to support Missions Door missionaries, all of whom are indigenous leaders serving the least and the lost with the help and hope that comes from the Gospel.  Short-Term Ministry Teams may focus on Medical Ministry, Construction Projects, Disaster Relief, Leadership Training, Youth Ministry, and more.

Our Short-Term Ministry Coordinators ensure that the churches and individuals who travel to serve are prepared and resourced for cross-cultural ministry, the rigors of international travel, support for indigenous leadership, healthy teamwork, and a basic understanding of biblical mission and Christian ministry.


Take a step with Missions Door

The benefits of serving as a part of a Short-Term Ministry Team are found in a deeper understanding and enduring passion for global mission cultivated in the hearts of all who GO to serve.  There is also the encouragement that is given to the indigenous leaders who continually minister in these often-forgotten locations, and the friendships that are built and the hope that is offered to some of the very least and last among God’s children.